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This is a set of digital STL files for 3D Printing. No physical product.


These files are for personal use only. Please do not share these files. These files are not for resale and models printed from these files are not to be sold for profit. These are not for commercial use.


This includes the Itherian Royal Guard miniatures. It sits on a medium (25.4mm) base. It comes in 4 poses, each with halberd or greatsword versions. This also includes a bust and two spiritual weapons that sit on a medium (25.4mm) bases.

This miniature comes with optional presupported files for resin printing. These files come as ready to go STL files or Lychee files if you wish to edit the supports for your custom needs.

You can find my latest releases over on my Patreon!


The Itherian Royal Guard

The Royal Guard of Itheria is a group of elite knights that protect Ysabelle and her interests.

Most if not all are vampires, but a few are human and some are even dhampir. It's is almost purely political that they are not all vampires as Ysabelle would like mortals to believe she values them somewhat.

The Itherian Royal Guard are equipped with large heavy weapons halberds and greatswords with reach like a polearm. They are encased in heavy full plate armour and fine Itherian cloth. Their armour and cape reflect the Itherian designs that nobility wear, full of filigrees.

Despite how heavy their gear is, they are quick to act and they take no half measures. Rebels have made attempts to assassinate Ysabelle and have quickly met their end. Crowds have seen mortals beheaded or cleaved in half in a single strike from one of these elite knights.

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